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ACSLogo for OSX Version 1.6

ACSLogo is a Logo Interpreter for Mac OS X.

Logo is a popular language used to teach simple programming by guiding the progress of a ÔturtleÕ which moves around a graphics screen.

Despite LogoÕs simplicity, complex pictures can be constructed, as the screenshot shows.

A new version is available Ñ (December 2020). This version is required for macOS Catalina and should work in versions up to Big Sur. You can find out more about the program and download it for free from here.

See more examples in bitmap or svg format.

GeogXPert for iPad

GeogXPert for iPad is an app which lets you test your knowledge of countries and capitals by clicking on them in a map.

Find out more about version 1.0 or see it on the iTunes store (June 2010).

GeogXPert for OSX 1.1

GeogXPert for OSX is a free program which allows you to test your knowledge of countries and capital cities by clicking on them in a map. It runs in Mac OS X Leopard or above. This version has some small enhancements and bug fixes.

More info. (August 2010).

WorldBounce for iPhone

WorldBounce demonstrates the iPhoneÕs accelerometer - tilting the iPhone causes a globe to roll and bounce off the ‘walls’.

Read about version 1.0 (April 2010).

Canvas not supported

The <canvas> tag is a new standard for embedding vector graphics in html (it will be part of the HTML5 standard). Latest versions of Safari, Opera, and Firefox support it to various degrees. If your browser supports it, you will see an image on the left. IÕve been trying it out.

Punk Pics - Some pictures I took of various groups in the late 70s.